Born in the Republic of San Marino where she
lives and works. After attending classical studies at San
Marino High School, she got a degree in Agriculture
Science at Bologna University and attended a Ph.D. course
in environmental education at Geneva University. During
this time she started her personal research travelling
around the world and studying Art, Yoga and Dance
with European, Asian and American Masters. With the
Didactics Laboratory and Science Epistemology of Geneva
Psychology and Science of Education University and in
the course of various international meetings she showed
her works concerning science and art. She also worked
on experimental projects about environmental education
involving art, science and meditation in the schools of the
Republic of San Marino.
Her first exposition takes place in 1990, during an Art Workshop held by maestro Alfredo Bortoluzzi, a pupil of Paul Klee.
In the years to follow she has participated in numerous collective expositions as well as personal ones, of which, the more important ones are listed below:
2022 - TREES, San Marino Art Gallery e Casa d'Aste, San Marino, Rep. San Marino
2021 - The Sixth Sun, Carlo Biagioli Exhibition Space, Rep. San Marino
2016 - BIVERSO, Rimini Biennial Design, Open Circuit, Rimini (Italy)
2014 - Aleph, Alexander Museum Palace, Pesaro, (Italy)
2013 - thedarksideofthelight, San Francesco Museum / Pinacoteca, State Museums, Rep. San Marino
2009 - UNIVERSO, Antao Progetti, Domagnano, Rep. San Marino
2000 - Namasté, Rosini Gallery, Riccione (Italy)
1995 - Earth and Fire, Faetano Castle, Rep. San Marino
1993 - Uovo/Oeuf, Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rep. San Marino
1992 - L’Oeuf, Societé de Banque Suisse, Ginevra (Switzerland)
2023 - thedarksideofthelight, AMORE, Eccellenze a Palazzo, Palazzo dei Principi, Carpegna, Montefeltro
2022 - thedarksideofthelight "Vittorio Sgarbi" and Libertas, inauguration of San Marino Art Gallery and Auction House, Rep. San Marino
2021 - thedarksideofthelight "Dario Fo", CarpegnArt, Palazzo dei Principi; II Edition ARTISTS IN MONTEFELTRO, Municipality of Carpegna, Italy
2021 - Rainbw of Hope, Rang Mahlaar, Jaipur, India
2020 - Neosim & The Fantastic 4, Podere Lesignano, Rep. San Marino
2020 - Amazon Rainforest, We As Nature, Rome Art Week, Rome (italy)
2020 - Carry Bag, Rang Malhaar. 11th Edition; Jaipur, India
2020 - resiliART, UNESCO; Paris, (France)
2020 - Together We Are One, ArtBox, Zurich, Switzerland
2019 - Loving Kindness, Rome Art Week, Rome (Italy)
2019 - REFLECTION, 58th International Art Exhibition, Republic of San Marino Pavilion, FRIENDSHIP PROJECT INTERNATIONAL, Venice (Italy)
2019 - BE_LOVE, Neosim & i Fantastici 4, Palazzo Graziani, RSM
2018 - BLACK MIRROR, amore, IX Land Art, Sant'Anna del Furlo (Italy)
2017 - HOM-AGE, 57th International Art Exhibition, Republic of San Marino Pavilion, FRIENDSHIP PROJECT event, Venice (Italy)
2017 - VOLTO dIvINO, VIII Land Art, Sant'Anna del Furlo (Italy)
2016 - BIVERSO, Design Biennale, Circuito Open, Bilune Studio, Rimini (Italy)
2015 - Aleph in Malta, Art Camp UNESCO, Malta
2015 - AA Aleph, VI Land Art, Sant'Anna del Furlo (Italy)
2015 - World Academy, for the EXPO, Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Milan (Italy)
2015 - Blessed City, Fuzhou International Sculpture Exibition, Fuzhou (China)
2014 - walk in to the future with knowledge, Rosini Gutman Gallery, Museo della Città, Rimini (Italy)
2014 - Aleph, Alexander Museum Palace, Pesaro, (Italy)
2014 - amor, International Sculpture on Ice Symposium, Andorra
2014 - thedarksideofthelight, 6° Luxor International Painting Symposium, Luxor (Egypt)
2013 - thedarksideofthelight, San Francesco Museum/Art Gallery, The State Museum, Republic of San Marino
2012 - The Door of the Sun and of the Moon, Land Art at Furlo, Sant'Anna del Furlo (Italy)
2011 - Axis of New World, 12th Changchun China (Hi-Tech Development Area) International Sculpture Symposium, Changchun (China)
2011 - thedarksideofthelight, 54th International Art Exhibition, RSM Pavilion, Venice (Italy)
2010 - univers0, 4th Beijing International Art Biennale, Beijing (China)
2010 - TIMEless SPRING, Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, Republic of San Marino
2009 - universo, 53th International Art Exhibition, RSM Pavilion, Venice (Italy)
2009 - universo, Antao Progetti, Republic of San Marino,
2006 - Life & Peace, 7th Changchun China International sculpture Symposium, Changchun (China)
2002 - …between white clouds and the waves of the sea, Anthology of Maestro Alfredo Bortoluzzi, County of Peschici, Peschici (Italy)
2001 - Mather - Iconografia de la Imagen Mariana en el Estado Portuguesa, Museo de Arte de Acarigua, Acarigua (Venezuela),
2001 - Contemporary Ceramica, The Cino Mularoni Foundation, Rep. San Marino
2000 - Century's End, Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art, Republic of San Marino
2000 - Namasté, Rosini Gallery, Riccione (Italy)
1999 - Forms and Colors of San Marino Ceramics, UASC, Rep. San Marino
1998 - Loving trees, the four seasons, Twenty Years Anniversary, ASART, Culture Department, Rep. San Marino
1998 - The Fountain of Eternal Youth, Contemporary Ceramics, Cino Mularoni Foundation, Rep. San Marino
1998 - Femmes et la Culture de la Paix, UNESCO, Parigi (France)
1998 - Centre Jean Franco, Chamonix (Francia)
1997 - Fatta di Terra, Culture Department, Rep. San Marino
1997 - 47th International Art Exhibition G. B. Salvi and Little Europe, Sasso Ferrato (Italy)
1997 - SOLIDARTE ‘97, S. Maria di Nives , Rimini (Italy)
1997 - AICS Visual Arts Review, Cervia, Piacenza, Ferrara, Finale Emilia, Rimini (Italy)
1996 - YJN, Galleria Rosini, Riccione (Italy)
1996 - OvAzione, Ferrini-Venturini House, Rep. San Marino
1995 - The Titans, Culture Department, Rep. San Marino
1994 - L’ABC de la Science, University, Geneva (Switzerland)
1993 - Semaine Europeenne de la Culture Scientifique, Geneva (Switzerland)
1993 - Les Tetes d’Oeuf, Art Jonction, Cannes (France)
1990 - Young Art III, UASC, Rep. San Marino
Her works can be found in private collections in the Republic of San Marino, Switzerland, France, Spain, Italy, Venezuela, United States and at Geneva University, at the Department of State (RSM), at the State Cultural Department (RSM) and at the Gallery of Modern Art (RSM), in Changchun World Sculpture Park (China) and in the Northeast Asian Cultural Creative Technology Zone Park, Changchun (China).
She has been written about by: Gianni Romano, Giorgio Celli, André Giordan, André Langaney, Cesare Padovani, Vittorio D'Augusta, Delilah Gutman e Gianfranco Rosini, Vittorio Marchi, Loretta Guerrini Verga, Antonio Prenna, Fabio Cavallari, Andreina De Tomassi, Lorenza Bagnarelli, Giordano Bruno Guerri, Annamaria Bernucci, Roberta Melasecca, Luca Bezzetto, Flora Tumminello.